Fresno, California Fresno Office7257 No. Maple, Suite #101Fresno, CA 93720Tel: 559-325-9388Fax: 559-325-9373View Fresno Adoption Classes Contact Us Branch(Required)*Branch:CarlsbadFresnoModestoSacramentoName(Required) Email(Required) Phone(Required)City of Residence(Required) Comments(Required)CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Fresno Office7257 No. Maple, Suite #101Fresno, CA 93720Tel: 559-325-9388Fax: 559-325-9373View Fresno Adoption Classes Diane Niswander Fresno, CA Diane Niswander is the Branch Manager of FCCA’s Fresno office. She was the original Fresno office staff member from the launch of the branch in 1989, until the expansion into a full-service branch in 1998. As a people person, Diane thoroughly enjoys getting to know adoptive families from the very start of the process, and to work with them right through to their adoption finalization. It’s especially rewarding for her to witness the positive changes in the children and their families that occur during the adoption journey. When not at work, Diane can be found visiting some of her adult children in Las Vegas, or camping and riding the dunes with her husband at Oceano State Park. Fresno Adoption Classes 2025 Information Session (Class 1) jan 8thjan 23rdfeb 5thfeb 20thmar 5thmar 20thapr 9thapr 24thmay 7thmay 22ndjun 4thjun 19thjul 9thjul 24thaug 6thaug 21stsep 3rdsep 18thoct 8thoct 23rdnov 5thnov 20thdec 10th Adoption Preparation (Class 2 & 3) jan 18thfeb 8th Adoption Preparation (Class 4) Click for Class Details Information Session (Class 1) jan 8thjan 23rdfeb 5thfeb 20thmar 5thmar 20thapr 9thapr 24thmay 7thmay 22ndjun 4thjun 19thjul 9thjul 24thaug 6thaug 21stsep 3rdsep 18thoct 8thoct 23rdnov 5thnov 20thdec 10th Adoption Preparation (Class 2 & 3) jan 18thfeb 8th Adoption Preparation (Class 4) Click for Class Details